Domain (Place)
Every account is divided into a Domain, grouped by a specific area (for example an office, a parking garage or a building) that belongs to a Customer. Domains are also used to group different users so that two companies can share the same locks but use different Domains to administrate their users.
User (account)
A User is a personal account identified by its email address. A user needs to be invited and can not sign up by themselves. The first time a User is added to a Domain, or an AccessKey is given to a user they will automatically be created if they do not exist. They will receive an invitation email with a one time password and instructions on how to get started. User accounts are personal and can not be added or removed manually. The same User account can be added to multiple Domains, the user is then referred to as a Member of that Domain.
Member (User)
When a User is added to a Domain a Member is created. A Member can have different roles (as a regular Guest or different administrative rights) and they can be assigned multiple AccessKeys that they use for unlocking via the Parakey app. You can add and remove members from a Domain but the User account will never be removed.
Access (Key)
An Access (equivalent to Key in the web portal), is the resource that controls access to one or several locks. An Access can be configured with time and security restrictions.
Device (Lock)
A Device represents the physical Parakey unit (lock). These are usually added by an installer, you create a Key that contains one or multiple locks.
The AccessKey is the link between a User and an Access. If the linked access doesn't have any time restrictions, you can set a custom start and expiration date on the AccessKey.
When a User unlocks using the Parakey app, an Eventlog is generated and stored. The EventLog contains a timestamp and information about the User and all resources related to the event. EventLogs are cleared of personal information after at most 30 days (can be configured per Domain).
Parakey is built up of many resources. Here is a short description of some of them for a better understanding of how to use the API.

Written by Emil Janitzek
Updated over 12 months ago