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Add a new lock

This is how you, as an installer, add a lock (Parakey device) to your customer's place in the Parakey Web Portal.

Cecilia Rubinstein avatar
Written by Cecilia Rubinstein
Updated over 6 months ago

As a Parakey installer, you are responsible for adding a new Parakey device (lock) to your customer's place in the portal.

πŸ‘‰ Order the Parakey device via

Before you start

❗️Make sure that you are an Installer in Parakey Web Portal at the place where the device will be installed. If you are not, ask the customer to add you as installer.

πŸ’‘ If you are a new Parakey installer, you will receive an invitation email with instructions on how to log in and get started. Use the same login credentials in the app and the web portal.

Add a new lock via the app

  1. Go to Places in the app and press the name of the place where the device is installed.

  2. Under Setup, press Add lock.

  3. Enter the device's installation code (four characters) or scan the QR code by the installation code and press Find.

  4. Give the lock a name, enter type, set unlock duration, and choose to create a key to be able to complete the installation in the app.

  5. Press Add.

Add a lock via the Parakey Web Portal

  1. Navigate to the place where the device is installed and go to Locks.

  2. Press Add.

  3. Enter the device's installation code (four characters) found on its packaging and circuit board.

  4. Then press Find device.

  5. Name the lock (this can be changed by the customer later).

  6. Specify the type, such as door or garage door.

  7. Activate Send a key valid for 7 days for this lock to me to be able to continue and complete the installation in the app.

  8. Press Add.

Error messages and actions

Error message

What should I do?

Device has been installed to another domain and can not be added

This means that the device is already added to another place. Remove the device from the current place.

Contact [email protected] for more help.

We could not find device with installation code

Make sure you have entered the correct installation code. Note that there is a difference between uppercase and lowercase letters.

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