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Parakey PDL – Battery status

In the web portal, you can see battery levels and when it's time for a battery replacement. The app also warns about very low battery level.

Cecilia Rubinstein avatar
Written by Cecilia Rubinstein
Updated over 10 months ago

The battery status has five different levels; High, Medium, Low, Very low and Drained. When the battery level reaches Low, the purchase of new batteries is recommended to carry out a battery replacement shortly or when the level reaches Very low.

The battery status is updated in conjunction with an unlocking, hence the status for Parakey PDLs that have not been unlocked for a few months may be less reliable.

Battery status via Dashboard

Owners, Administrators and Installers are notified in the feed on a place’s dashboard about Parakey PDLs that are approaching or in need of a battery replacement.

Battery status via Lock

Under Lock, there is the possibility to monitor all Parakey PDLs' battery levels in a dedicated column. If you do not see the column, you can press the icon to the right in the menu bar to choose to display it in the overview.

Battery status in the app

In the Unlock view, all users are notified by the lock's name when the battery level is Very low and are, when unlocking, asked to contact someone in charge at the place for a battery replacement.

❗️If the battery level should become so low that an unlocking cannot be carried out, this is also notified in the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I order new batteries? Follow this link to order new batteries.

  2. We have just installed Parakey PDL / replaced the battery and the battery level shows "Low" / "Very low”. Sometimes new lithium batteries need to be "put under load"* a couple of times, hence the battery level can be misleading. By using and unlocking the Parakey PDL via the app, the battery is "put under load" gradually.

    Therefore, a couple of unlocks via the app need to be made for the battery status to be updated. We're working on a solution so that the battery level does not risk being misleading during the first uses.

*The battery is “put under load” when the motor that unlocks the lock is running

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